Celebrating 200 years of independent journalism
The Guardian celebrated its 200th birthday in May 2021 with a digital festival of live events and masterclasses, journalism spanning digital and print formats, and a new brand campaign under the banner “200 years a work in progress”.
The first edition of the Manchester Guardian, as it was then known, was published on 5 May 1821. Since then, the Guardian has earned a reputation for powerful, high-impact journalism read by millions worldwide.
To mark the moment, the Guardian published a range of journalism in digital, print, video and audio formats, examining the paper’s origins, its highs and lows, and how its exclusives and investigations changed the world.
As the UX lead for the project “G200”, I worked in collaboration with Communications, Editorial, Design, Engineering, and Marketing teams to create journeys and experiences that resonate with today's audience.
Guardian staff (2021, May 05). 200 years young: the Guardian’s bicentenary party page. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/media/ng-interactive/2021/may/05/200-years-young-the-guardians-bicentenary-party-page